Saturday, August 7, 2021



Sumber Gambar dari whatsapp

Sunday, August8th,2021

Teachers are not the center of learning and teaching. He or She is the one of resource. Students can explore others.

Students are the center of education. They can choose what they want to learn.

The writer is used to teaching using whatssapp. It can delevery the lesson smooth. 

First of all, teacher gives opening section. It contents how do you feel today?Do you remember topic last day? etc.

Second, students observe the dialogue about greeting and leave taking. They study about content and the contex and make questions based on the text.

Third, Teachers and students explore and check those questions then they give the feed back.

Additionally,the teachers also explain the social function of the text, structure of the text and feature language.


The teacher and students make reflslection during the teaching like what topic do you study? What is the most difficult thing of lesson The teacher remind the activity and the next material.