Friday, January 29, 2021

Planning Failure.

Last Friday, our schedule was meeting to give these information about PTS, Evaluation of Online Teaching in teacher's room. At 9 a.m the man came in and gave the information of AKM. Other teachers were shock cause the presentation was unscheduled. They could not do anything except hearing it. 

Many materials were being given by him such as what AKM's definition, what are deference between AKM and UN, how to prepare it well etc. He had told about AKM very long. He offered question and answer about it but the questions were presented by one of the participant. The participant didn't know why the man could present meanwhile it was not him. There were no interactive learning and teaching of AKM.

The school vice principle come in front of the forum and tried to inform about PTS, evaluation of online teaching and learning very short cause time was getting home.

The School Principle got out first then he was followed by his guest the school vice principle tried to planning of failure, on the other hand the school principle had another planning.

Assessment Competency Minimum and G-Suite

Two weeks ago, I had asked to present about Google Classroom. I presented it in School Laboratory of  Computer at 9 a.m. I told to the participant about Assessment Competency firstly. It don't need to prepare special question but the most things are how to stimulate our students think critically, they need many kind of method of innovation teaching etc. See more pictures are below.

Presentation of G-Suite

The Participants were so active in the Event.

The materials of the meetings were not only AKM but also I gave them demo how to active and used Google Suite for Education in online teaching and learning. Many fitures are interesting in Google Suite such as Google Classroom, Google Site,Google Slide,Google Form etc. I gave them detail information about Google Classroom. First step how to create class, how to make assignment, how to share it, how to assist it to our students.

We finished at 10.30 a.m. They were so excited  during jointing the presentation. The materials was caught as well as possible.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Reflection of describing people using Canva

 Reflection of describing people using Canva

To describe people we can use canva in order to eye catching. You may look at my picture below.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021



Good morning, Everyone.

Assalamualaikum wr wb. Selamat pagi anak-anak sekalian. Tidak terasa sudah tiga minggu kita belajar pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Pertemuan pertama Pak Amin mencoba membagi pengetahuan tentang Notice pada minggu 1-2. Coba diingat lagi materi notice ya... karena belum berakhir batas akhir mengumpulkan.


Adapun anak anak yang sudah mengumpulkan tugas 01 Notice bisa diamati data dibawah : 

Kelas 8D

Kelas 8E

Kelas 8F

Silahkan anak-anak menceritakan pengalaman memahami materi notive di kolom komentar. Terima Kasih



Good morning, Everyone.
Assalamualaikum wr wb. Selamat pagi anak-anak sekalian. Tidak terasa sudah tiga minggu kita belajar pada semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021. Pertemuan pertama Pak Amin mencoba membagi pengetahuan tentang Describing Things pada minggu 1-2. Coba diingat lagi ya...

dan sampai batas akhir mengumpulkan tugas tanggal 20 Januari 2021. Adapun anak anak yang sudah mengumpulkan tugas 01 Describing Things bisa diamati data dibawah : 

 Kelas 7A
Kelas 7B


Kelas 7C

Silahkan bagi yang belum mengumpulkan tugas bisa memberi komentar di kolom komentar dibawah ini. 

Bagi yang tidak bisa membuka video bisa dilihat di sini.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The most Interesting Place

 The most Interesting Place

On Tuesday morning, January 19th, 2021, The writer took my wife to her office because it was rained. The rain was very hard so no body walked round it. Do you think the place is the most interesting place? (C1/Remembering)Simpang Lima in Semarang Central Java was not the most interesting place this morning because of raining.

Can you describe the place that you find Interesting? C2/Understanding) Yeaah... I think It's currently at home is the most interesting? People do everything in it. It's been great place. Everyone can sit in the living room, It sometimes  fine during raining.

However, another day Simpang Lima is very favourite place. People can do everything here. They play in the playgroung, everyone can sit on the bench around there. What make people visit  this place?C3/Applying) People visit this place to refresh their mind through watching the high building around Simpang Lima such as, Matahari Supermarket, Baiturahman Mosque etc.

Can you compare the differences  weather/climate  to this place to another place? (C4/Analyzing) I think Simpang Lima is shady cause many plant are planted around it. It's lung of forest in Semarang. It can decrease the pollution of trans portion and many crowded big city. It's also providing people for Refreshing area. Which place do you prefer?(C5/Evaluating) People like walking here, but something people prefer to old city near Blenduk Church  another place in Semarang cause it is still trend and many people visit there. Goverment builds to make more fascinating place. How would you promote this place?(C6/Creating) Well, I will cultivate this place keep cleaning so more people visit here. Thanks for the chance to have the most interesting place in Semarang

Sunday, January 17, 2021

My Daddy is Hero

On Friday,
my daughter shown me you tube about asking and giving information about people.
Will you help me to do my assignment?" Ino asked".
Yes, I will." Let me know the link the you tube Daddy replied".
Let me show it."She answered". 

Alright,  Daddy tried to make resume the topic. He sent it via Whats App.
Do you know Beni?"Daddy asked?
Yes, I do " Ino answered".
What is Beni like? " Daddy asked again".
Well, He's so kind and polite."She replied".
That's right how to ask and give information about people, especially, personality

Do you know Beni?"Daddy asked?
Yes, I do " Ino answered".
What does Beni look like?" Daddy asked"
Alright, He's not too tall and not too short. He's medium height.
That's right how to ask and give information about people, especially, physically appearance. 
Do you know Beni?"Daddy asked?
Yes, I do " Ino answered".
What does Beni look like?" Daddy asked"
How do you know the material? " Ino asked".
I learnt it in the you tube."Daddy answer".

Does your you tube similar with my teacher's you tube?."Ino asked".
Right, the same your teacher." I replied".
Oooh ...." She thought and smile.