Sunday, August 15, 2021

The Using Gamification in Distance Learning


  Resource : Google Drive 

Sunday, August 15th,2021

Now, teaching and learning has been done using game. It is very nice cause the students are kindly playing the game. Feeling so fine makes the students do it freely. Why? They are happy when playing the game.Their feeling can boost to learn better. They are like kids who study something. They don't feel forcing the teacher or their parents to learn something.  

Beside, Relax is one of important thing. In pandemic people have many pressure so that it can influence relationship each other in society. The teacher using game to decrease the conflict in their life among students. See more information about game at

Game is used to decrease the student pressure in order to focus the material. The writer have made game from google form. There are 3 google form which connected each other. First, it contents of inviting the the final mission: The Secret Code. Second, it contents of making sure whether go on or stop here and Last form about the celebration.  Thanks Game is game which the writer made for the students. Enjoy the game. Thanks Game Klick here

At last but not at least, teaching and learning need different way in fact cause in pandemic the students have different social,economic etc so the teacher suggested to delivery the lesson with creativity. The teacher must have another way to teach their students. For instance teaching using games, teaching using interesting media,teaching using collaborative method etc. 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Literacy is a skillset.


Sumber photo dari dokumen pribadi

Saturday,August 12th, 2021

According to Elizabeth Sulzby"1986", Literacy is a skillset of reading, listening, writing and speaking. By doing so, parents can talk their children can talk.  I am sure when parents speak some words their children will hear and keep in their mind. Parents should speak English, it will be heard by the children then they hear and use as language everyday. See more proven at this video below or Klik here

Literacy's aim is to analyse information to make a right decision in live. One thing is very important people always read the information well, they will use as their decision. Reading is product of skill, after lots of readings, lots of listening, lots of writing people can speak with confident. Why? First, they have many information from other books, magazines,newspaper etc. More ever they know when they use the information, last they can compare one information to other information. 

As closing that literacy can start reading,listening as receptive skill then everyone can produce it as speaking and writing. For instance speaking skill is skill and it need to practice it every day. 





Tuesday, August 10, 2021

E-Module Language Improvement Course Unit 1-2

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Hello everyone. The writer is going to tell all about the language improvement course for Indonesia which held by Teflin,British Council and I learnt about how to speak English well and how to teach to my students.

Language courses are needed for Indonesia's teacher cause they have to know how to develop them as well as well in online teaching and offline one. Many ways and strategies to be self development such as we had guided by tutors using whatssapp and zoom in the website

Teaching strategy need a model from many resources and tutors. Here are some techniques of teaching for instance First, let our students remember last topic using error mistake, analyse sentences right and wrong etc. Second, the tutors gave us objective of learning, Third, They divide our class into groups. Additionally, we discussed to find the solution and they explain the feed back. Finally the tutors remind us next materials. See more information at e-module language improvement course Unit 1-2.

It is very benefit for teachers because they could learn more about how to develop their self and how to teach well.    

Teaching using Live Streaming


Sumber Photo Dokumen Pribadi

Thursday,August10, 2021

Hi, everyone.

Many tools are available on teaching and learning. Many students has given asynchronous  using Google Classroom. I have been teaching English during pandemic not only asynchronous but also synchronous like using live streaming and google meet.

At the beginning I have ever fail in teaching using live streaming but I tried again and again. Finally I am success in delivering my lesson. They were very funny cause I also repeat and review last topic before starting new material. For instance what topic did you learn? Do you still remember last topic? etc.


I teach my students using synchronous and asynchronous cause many assignments are available at GC but synchronous as media to review last material. By doing this students can present their most difficult material. I and students are enjoying this online teaching and learning.


Saturday, August 7, 2021



Sumber Gambar dari whatsapp

Sunday, August8th,2021

Teachers are not the center of learning and teaching. He or She is the one of resource. Students can explore others.

Students are the center of education. They can choose what they want to learn.

The writer is used to teaching using whatssapp. It can delevery the lesson smooth. 

First of all, teacher gives opening section. It contents how do you feel today?Do you remember topic last day? etc.

Second, students observe the dialogue about greeting and leave taking. They study about content and the contex and make questions based on the text.

Third, Teachers and students explore and check those questions then they give the feed back.

Additionally,the teachers also explain the social function of the text, structure of the text and feature language.


The teacher and students make reflslection during the teaching like what topic do you study? What is the most difficult thing of lesson The teacher remind the activity and the next material.

G-Meet is Okay

Dokumentasi camera pribadi

 Sunday,August 8th,2021

Google meet is one of product of google. It has many fitures we can explore to delevery the lesson. Beside, there are also weakness belong to google meet for instance bad signal,100 only participants if using

I have tried it with my students at the beginning this year 2021/2022. It has helped in online teaching.

I recorded it so this event can be watched later. It is very usefull.

Every tool has benefet and useful however how to adopt and adapt to online teaching and learning.

As the closing, I like to delevery a massage to ladies and gentlemen " today pain tomorrow gain". 

May Allah Almighty always bestows all mercies and blessengs.