Sunday, February 14, 2021

My Aisei's Member is 546


Sunday, February 21, 2021: oleh  Amin Wibowo

Hi, Everyone. How are you today? Hopefully you are just fine. I have jointed the event of online seminar which was held by AISEI. There were many presenters. They are Ms. Chapri, Mr. Dadang, Ms. Gilang and Ms. Fathin. I really like the online seminar because it had critical thinking in classroom ideas.

Many kind of ways to learn our students whose high order thinking skills such as give them challenge question using bamboozle( see more detail at bamboozle ) then in the first session Ms. Gilang asked me to watch the video. It contains children studied in the dark using candle. We should answer the question such as what do you feel about  the situation? How if you were they? etc. It seems we can learn that to teach students have high order thinking skills through simple questions.

At the end  Ms. Chapri  told that the participant supposed to have Aisei's member card. I tried to get register then I'got the good news that I have Aisei's member card 546. I was really happy at the time. Thank you so much for giving the member card. Keep stay in healthy.  I hope you can explore  through aminwibowo'blog at my URL 


  1. I agree that many kinds of ways to learn our students whose high-order thinking skills.
